Uncommon insights, with guaranteed exceptional actionability,
that create Category of One Solutions for our clients

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

– Albert Einstein

If everything about how people decide, value, and behave is changing – wouldn’t that call for a change in the way we study and understand these changes? We think it does.

“We believe this requires an uncommon, actionable, multi-dimensional understanding of your customers and your marketplace. You need a holistic and deep dimensionalization of their micro values systems, lexicons, change vectors, context. Everything that makes up the decisional ecosystem within which they decide what they decide and value what they value.

Our goals are to create an insight mechanism that solves for what we don’t know, embraces the unlikely, and offers a holistic, integrated, and dynamic approach to marketing and social insights research that finally integrates two phantom decisional dimensions into the calculus – Intensity and Situational Context; then caps it with Breaking Genius for Teams and Organizations to ensure the ultimate in actionability.

That’s why itlcINSIGHTS, ESL Consulting, and The Institute for Applied Decisional Sciences are partnering in the Advanced insights initiative.

Let us show you how our unique, proprietary, set of resources and our 30(+)-year proven track record in helping clients unlock what lies deep beneath the customer decisioning process can help you and your team achieve consistent breakthrough results and Category of One solutions.”

It’s more than research… it’s a resource. Click here to learn more about The Initiative