Central Operating Principle

Some people say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting a different result. We say, if all you want to achieve is an improved version of what you’re already achieving in the way of thinking, then perhaps you don’t need us just yet. If, on the other hand, you are open to the possibility and have the courage to push your thinking to its highest potential creativity – then you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re looking for a keynote presentation, or a breakout, or a workshop, or a leadership offsite, or consulting; or maybe you want a prescription or some fuel for innovation, creativity, or even moments of team genius, our promise is simple. We deliver Uncommon Outcomes through Uncommon Thinking – consistently, repeatedly and on demand.

We can show you how to do this consistently. We can do it with you. We can teach you how to do it for your team, your organization, or your self. We can train you to teach others. The “it” in this case is Thinking Whole, the unique, proprietary, underlying principle behind our practice and our presentations. You can read more about Thinking Whole, and Breaking Genius here. Or you can contact us using the button on the bottom of the page. Or you can read the overview below.

What is “Breaking Genius?”

Breaking Genius is a methodology and a process that can help you, personally and organizationally, to achieve the highest potential of creative thinking. Not the highest to which you might aspire but the highest potential of which you are inherently, but not yet consciously, capable.

For more than twenty-five years, we’ve been helping teams and organizations to apply our proprietary principles and practices to strategic planning, advertising, marketing, product design, innovation, communication, thought leadership marketing, brand development, creating the future you deserve, and much, much more. Our clients have ranged from the multi-national (Mercedes-Benz, General Motors), to the tasty (Rocher, General Mills), to the entertaining (Dreamworks, ABC Television), to the essential (Guardian Life Insurance Company, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Sunstar) – to name a few. Our services are ideally suited to any group of people, anywhere, who have been tasked with pushing the envelope of the ordinary across the border to the extraordinary; either in concept or execution, or creativity – in some cases all of the above.

We practice what we preach

The hallmark of our approach is the unique way in which we tap into and unleash the Collective Native Intelligence of the enterprises we serve. We are expert at bringing out, identifying, synthesizing, and ultimately unleashing, the deep capacity for thinking that already exists in our clients’ organizations.

By turning the same tools inward, we have been able to develop several universal macro insight engines.

  • The Index of What Matters Most is a proprietary research mechanism that quantifies the intensity of responses, rather than the distribution of responses. It also allows us to quantify lexicons and project Change Vectors; all with the effect of providing new dimensional understanding of how people make the decisions they make, why they value what they value, and what how our clients can leverage that knowledge in their favor.
  • Cultureographic Mapping turns those insights into the ultimate macro values and attitudes model – Eight American Cultureographies.
  • Having the benefit of a long-standing interest in and knowledge of generations and generational marketing, we have developed an exciting new model of the evolving generational landscape. The Gen6 Factor is our way of dealing with two truly unprecedented dynamics. The first is the “simple” truth that, for the first time in human history, we have six contemporaneous generations occupying the planet – and that changes virtually everything. The second new variable is equally, if not more, significant. Because of a variety of factors, most notably the ubiquity of information access, the traditional 17-22 year model of generational cohorts no longer holds. The “leading edge” and the “trailing edge” of the newer generations are different enough from one another, yet consistent enough within their demi-cohort, so as to force us to think in terms of DemiGens rather than generations. That requires identifying, dimensionalizing, and dealing meaningfully with 10-year generational values and attitudes cohorts.

How might we serve your needs?

  1. We can help you apply Thinking Whole to creating the future you deserve. Clearly, that could be anything as literal as strategic planning or developing an actionable understanding of the future in which you will be doing business, or devising an actionable plan that leads to precipitating a future in accord with your desires and intentions.
  2. People talk about how their “most important asset is people.” In truth, though, very few organizations fully benefit from the full depth and breadth of those assets. By deploying our processes and systems approach, we can help you tap into and unleash the full intellectual power that lies beneath the surface but is rarely accessed or actionably deployed.
  3. Our proprietary macro insights can help “kick start” your actionable understanding of the decisioning dynamics of large segments and generations. This information is useful for everything from sales and marketing to employment, communication, motivation, and persuasion.
  4. Breaking Genius is the mechanism for pushing the boundaries of whatever issues your organization is addressing; regardless of the discipline, job function, industry, or area of expertise. What we do is issue and user-neutral.
  5. If you want to institutionalize, actualize, and evolve the full magnitude of your most important human asset – The Collective Native Intelligence of your organization, embodied – we can help you to create an on-going team of Thinkers in Residence. We’ll help you identify, organize, train, coach, and even certify your thinkers. We’ll continue to work alongside them until they can fully manifest and deploy the highest level of intellectual collaboration possible; for the organization and for themselves.

Want to know more? Want to know how to start? Have questions? Just click on this button: